Sailboat Sunset
I am fascinated by Augmented Reality and the potential implications it can be used moving forward.

Photograph by Chad Robison
For the time being, I am only able to create with Adobe Aero in my free time and aside from the freezing winds coming off of Lake Erie... I absolutely had a blast being able to take one of my illustrations originally created in Adobe Illustrator on the iPad and take in out into the real world for a photo shoot!

AND I finally figured out how to easily show/explain AR technology by simply using two photos.
(One to show with the iPad view and one to show the actual iPad's view!)
I feel a video better illustrates how amazing Aero is!
(Note to self... by tripod for iPad!!)
View this Sunset Sailboat in action on YOUR phone,
scan the QRcode below or follow the link.

iOS & Adobe Aero App required

Created in:
Illustration - Adobe Illustrator on the iPad (Created for Drawtober 2020 Challenge)
AR Photo and Video - Adobe Aero on the iPad
Image Editing - Adobe Photoshop
Euclid Beach, Cleveland, OH