Hi Amazing Creative Humans!
I'm Jess! I like to create things, laughing loudly, and unicorns.
I was able to be a Guest Host on Adobe Live this week... it was AWESOME.
DAY 1....
Everyone has to start somewhere... right?
It's kind of like the creative process... you start with a blank slate... and go with it.
For my first Adobe Live session... (and my first live stream ever!)
You literally can watch my nervousness 😬🤷♀️
Knowing I was terrified of screwing up...
I wanted to go with something colorful and encouraging...
I wanted to brighten peoples day!
(You know just in case they booed and hissed...
Thankfully no one booed or hissed... 🙏)

And what better way to do that than with a "positive doodle"?!?
During my first live stream... (which flew by WAY too quickly!) I utilized Pixel Mixer Brushes and the Vector brushes for the illustrations. And the Live Watercolor Brushes
to create the warm and melty background.

Not too shabby when your hands are kind of shaking and your heart is beating
and you are trying to focus on multiple things at once...
Anxiety. Right?
After the Live stream ended (and my heart rate from nervousness returned to normal)...
I decided... while my "completed" doodle worked...
It needed more still.
Just a little bit more...
This is a hard thing for the creative... knowing when to stop.
But I just needed a tiny bit more time!
So I spent an additional hour and a half... and....

Created in Adobe Fresco on the iPad
Worth it.
This is my reminder to all those that say "I'm not creative"...
you are and you might not even realize it. There are so many ways to be creative...
cooking, gardening, crocheting, sewing DJ'ing, origami, coding, music, theater, bartending (if you've ever made a 20 ingredient craft cocktail... you know what I mean).
DAY 2....
After learning many valuable lessons during my first live stream...
for example... I could and quite possibly should have...
spent two days on my "everyone is creative" doodle.
I also wanted to create a much simpler illustration...
so I wouldn't run out of time...
SO for day 2... I wanted to stick with a simpler composite and illustration...
but STILL positive and also bring attention to Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

I've had the honor for 7 years to volunteer with amazing kids
through the Sunshine Kids Foundation. They inspire me. They give me strength.
This is my small shout out to my superheroes,
and everyone out in the world affected by pediatric cancer.

Created in Adobe Photoshop on the iPad.
I used Photoshop brushes and clipping masks...
the lettering and illustrations were created
over a photo by Miguel Moreno licensed through Adobe Stock!
I like where it ended.
Although... sometimes, the hardest part of creating
is knowing when to stop... ;)
This was such a great learning experience!
Thank you to Sam and Adobe Live for the opportunity to hang out and create!
Thank you to Paul Trani for being a great host and guide through the process!
Thank you to EVERYONE that joined in and shared support,
You are all AMAZING!!